Springwell Water Softener Maintenance Guide: 2024

If you’re among the many Americans who have chosen Springwell water softeners to enjoy the benefits of soft and clean water in their homes, you’re in the right place. A Springwell water softener is a fantastic addition to any household, helping you enjoy soft and luscious water while protecting your appliances and plumbing. However, like any other appliance, it requires regular maintenance to work efficiently. In this blog post, we’ll walk you through the essential Springwell water softener maintenance steps in simple, easy-to-follow instructions. By following these guidelines, you can extend the life of your softener, save on energy and salt, and continue to enjoy the benefits of softened water in your home.

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Understand Your Springwell Water Softener

Before you start maintaining your Springwell water softener, it’s crucial to understand how it works. In simple terms, it’s a device that removes minerals like calcium and magnesium from your water, which can cause hard water problems. It uses resin beads that attract and trap these minerals, eventually requiring cleaning and regeneration.

Why Maintain Your Springwell Water Softener?

Soft water offers numerous benefits, but regular maintenance ensures you continue to enjoy them. Here are some tempting reasons to keep your Springwell water softener in tip-top condition:

Prolonged Appliance Life: Soft water prevents scale buildup, extending the lifespan of your appliances and plumbing fixtures.

Cost Savings: Maintaining your water softener reduces the need for costly repairs and keeps it operating efficiently, saving you money in the long run.

Optimal Water Quality: Proper maintenance ensures that your softener consistently delivers the high-quality soft water you love.

Eco-Friendly: A well-maintained system consumes less salt and water during regeneration, reducing environmental impact.

Now, let’s look into the essential maintenance steps for your Springwell water softener.

Springwell Water Softener Maintenance: A Step-by-Step Guide

  1. Check Salt Levels Regularly 
  • Insufficient salt can lead to ineffective softening. Check the salt level in your brine tank at least once a month.
  • Ensure the salt level is above the water level but not overflowing.
  1. Clean the Brine Tank
  • Every 6-12 months, empty the brine tank and remove any salt residue or sediment buildup.
  • Clean the tank with warm, soapy water and rinse thoroughly.
  • Reinstall the tank and add fresh salt.
  1. Inspect for Salt Bridges
  • A salt bridge forms when a hard layer of salt forms above the water in the brine tank, preventing salt from dissolving.
  • Use a broom handle or similar tool to carefully break up the salt bridge.
  1.  Check the Resin Tank 
  • Periodically inspect the resin tank for any signs of resin beads clumping or debris.
  • If you notice issues, contact Springwell customer support for guidance or resin replacement.
  1.  Review and Adjust Settings
  • Regularly review your water softener’s settings, including the regeneration frequency and hardness level.
  • Adjust settings as needed based on your water quality and usage.

Key Reminders

There are some key reminders to always keep in your mind. This not only give you the longer life of your water softener but cleaner and purer water. 

Checking Salt Levels

The salt in your brine tank is what your water softener uses for regeneration. It’s essential to monitor salt levels to ensure your softener functions correctly. Make it a habit to check and refill the salt when running low, usually every 1-2 months, depending on your water usage.

Programming and Settings

Your Springwell water softener may have different settings and programming options. Review the user manual to ensure that your softener is set up correctly. Adjust settings like regeneration frequency and hardness level according to water quality and usage.

Regular Inspections

Perform regular visual inspections of your water softener to check for any signs of leaks, damage, or irregularities. If you notice any problems, address them promptly to prevent more significant issues.

Pros And Cons

  • High-quality water softening technology.
  • Energy-efficient and eco-friendly operation.
  • Extended appliance lifespan.
  • Improved skin and hair health.
  • Enhanced cleaning power.
  • The initial cost can be higher than some competitors.
  • Requires periodic maintenance and salt refills.
  • Occupies space in your utility room or garage.


Regular maintenance of your Springwell water softener is a simple yet crucial task to ensure it continues to provide you with soft and clean water for years to come. By following these straightforward steps, you can extend the lifespan of your softener, reduce energy consumption, and enjoy the benefits of softened water in your home. Remember to consult your user manual for specific maintenance recommendations, and if you ever have any doubts or encounter significant issues, feel free to contact a professional for assistance. Your Springwell water softener will continue working magic in your household with proper care.


Could bleach be added to a water softener?

It is possible to add bleach to a water softener. Bleach is the most effective technique to combat hazardous germs like bacteria that can contaminate water softeners. Fill the brine tank with an unscented bleach-water mixture (2 ounces of bleach for every 3 gallons of water). After letting the solution sit for up to 20 minutes, remove the water from the tank, scrub it with a brush, and rinse it off with some tap water. After emptying the water, add more salt to the tank.

How often should I check the salt level in my Springwell water softener?

It’s recommended to check the salt level at least once a month to ensure your softener works effectively.

Can I use any type of salt in my Springwell water softener?

Springwell recommends using high-purity salt pellets designed for water softeners, as other salts may contain impurities that can affect performance.

What happens if I forget to maintain my Springwell water softener?

Neglecting maintenance may result in reduced softening efficiency, increased salt and water usage, and potential damage to your water softener over time.

How do I adjust the regeneration frequency on my Springwell water softener?

Consult your user manual for specific instructions on adjusting regeneration settings, or contact Springwell customer support for guidance.

What should I do if I encounter a problem with my Springwell water softener that I can’t resolve?

If you experience issues beyond routine maintenance, contact Springwell’s expert customer support for troubleshooting and assistance.

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