How Much Water Should I Drink While Breastfeeding Calculator?

It is important to make sure that you drink the right amount of water during breastfeeding. The necessary amount of water is important to maintain proper hydration, which is essential for your well-being. However, insufficient water intake might not directly impact milk production, excessive consumption can affect the quality of your breast milk. 

In this article, we will provide you with a user-friendly calculator and straightforward guidelines to help you determine how much  water you should drink while caring for your baby.

Water Determination Calculator 

You can access this convenient and complimentary water intake calculator using the internet. All you need to do is input details such as your weight, activity level, and the climate you are in. Once you have provided this information, the calculator will offer an estimate of the daily water intake required to prevent dehydration for an individual in your specific circumstances.

Staying Hydrated During Pregnancy and Breastfeeding

It is important to ensure adequate hydration  during pregnancy and breastfeeding. According to the American Pregnancy Association, it’s recommended to boost your daily liquid intake by an additional 24 to 32 ounces compared to your usual amount. The specific quantity varies based on your weight, emphasizing the importance of customised hydration for expectant and breastfeeding individuals.

European Union Guidelines For Women

Let’s delve into the recommendations provided by the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) for women who are breastfeeding. According to EFSA, it’s advised that breastfeeding mothers aim for a daily intake of about 700 ml of water. This not only includes the water you drink but also considers fluids from other sources like milk, juice, and even the liquids present in the food you consume.

Institute of Medicine’s Perspective in America

The Atlantic to the Institute of Medicine (IOM) in America presented their viewpoint that aligns with the idea that women who are breastfeeding should set their sights on a daily water intake of approximately 12 cups. This encompasses not only the beverages you consume but also the liquids present in the foods you eat.

Consider Your Feelings and Individual Factors

While it’s valuable to take note of the research-backed recommendations from EFSA and IOM, it’s equally important to pay attention to your personal feelings about how much water feels right for you. Moreover, there are other individual factors to consider, such as your body weight, the climate you’re in, how active you are, and the specifics of your diet. Taking care of all of these things can influence your overall hydration needs.

Empowerment Through Personal Preferences

To further empower you in making decisions about your hydration, the water intake calculator is designed to allow you to input your personal recommendation. This feature encourages a personalized approach, ensuring that your unique preferences and needs are taken into account for a well made hydration plan.

Reasons To Drink Enough Water While You Are Breastfeeding 

When you are on the breastfeeding journey, ensuring you drink more water is not just a suggestion but it’s a key element for several important reasons. Experts recommend a daily intake of at least 128 ounces (16 cups of 8 ounces each) for breastfeeding moms, and here is why:

Milk Production Boost

Adequate hydration is very important for making sure your body can produce the best milk for your baby. Moreover, when you stay well-hydrated by drinking enough water, it actually helps your body in making more of that nourishing milk your little one relies on. It’s like giving your body the right fuel it needs to do a great job at making sure your baby gets all the nourishment they need from your milk. 

So, by sipping on enough water, you are not just quenching your thirst but you are also giving your body a boost to be the best milk-making machine for your baby.

Body Weight Influence

Drinking enough water is important for your weight and your baby. When you stay hydrated, it helps you keep a healthy weight. This is good for both you and your little one. Hydration helps your body work well, like with digestion and circulation. Also, it can help you understand when you’re really hungry or just thirsty. Keeping a healthy weight is not only good for you but also creates a good environment for your baby to grow and develop. So, sipping on water is a simple way to take care of both of you.

Climate Considerations

Living in a hot place means your body needs more water. When it’s warm, you might sweat more, and that makes you lose water. Drinking enough water is super important in hot weather, especially when you’re breastfeeding. It helps your body stay cool and comfy. So, in simple words, when it’s hot outside, drinking lots of water keeps you feeling good while taking care of your baby.

Physical Activity Support

When you are running around or exercising a lot, your body sweats to cool down. But sweating means you are losing water. Think of it like your body’s natural air conditioner.

Drinking enough water is like giving your body a refill. It’s not just about stopping your thirst but it’s like giving your body the energy it needs to keep going. Water is like fuel for your body. It helps you feel more energetic, keeps you healthy, and ready for whatever you’re up to. So, staying hydrated is like giving your body the refreshment it needs, especially when you’re being active.

Overall Health

Drinking enough water is super important for your body, especially when you’re a new mom. Besides feeding your baby, keeping yourself hydrated is extremely important. It does a lot of awesome things for your body like helping your tummy process food, making your blood move around better, and making sure all your body parts work the way they should. So, when you’re taking care of your little one and dealing with all the stuff that comes with being a mom, making sure you drink enough water helps you feel great and stay healthy.

By adjusting how much water you drink based on factors like your weight, the weather around you, how active you are, and the amount of milk you’re producing while breastfeeding, you’re not just aiding the breastfeeding journey, but you’re also positively impacting your general health and well-being throughout this unique phase of motherhood. 

Besides, taking care to customize your water intake to fit your specific situation can make a meaningful difference in supporting both your and your baby’s health during this special time.

How Water Affects Breastfeeding

Staying well-hydrated is important for breastfeeding mothers as it helps maintain milk supply. However, excessive water intake doesn’t necessarily boost milk production. The other effects of water while breastfeeding are given below; 

Increase Milk Production 

Many individuals hold the belief that increasing water intake can boost breast milk production, especially when faced with a decrease in supply. This notion aligns with a straightforward rationale that if one feels thirsty, the instinct is to consume more fluids. The idea is that by adhering to this intuitive response and staying adequately hydrated, there may be a perceived correlation with an augmentation in the production of breast milk during times when it appears insufficient.

Effect Of Drinking More Water

Surprisingly, despite the belief that drinking plenty of water boosts breast milk production when it’s low, research findings show that drinking excessive amounts of water doesn’t necessarily increase how much milk your body produces or aids in your baby’s growth. 

It’s interesting to note that while it seems logical to drink more water if you’re breastfeeding, studies indicate that this might not be as effective as commonly believed. 

So, drinking lots of water while breastfeeding might not provide the expected help in producing more milk or aiding your baby’s development.

Right Amount Of Water 

Remember, the key is not to overdo it with water. You don’t need to drink a sea of water to help with breastfeeding. Just focus on sipping enough to keep yourself feeling good and hydrated. You might have heard that drinking gallons of water can help, but in reality, that might not be the case. Instead, aim for a comfortable level of hydration that works for you. It’s like finding that sweet spot that is not too much, not too little, just enough to keep you feeling your best while taking care of your little one.

Side Effects Of Drinking More Water 

Let’s talk about why it’s important to drink enough water. When you don’t drink liquids, your body can become dehydrated, which means it doesn’t have the right amount of water. This isn’t good for you. So, make sure to drink enough water to keep your body working well and avoid problems that can come from not having the right amount of water.

Importance of Staying Hydrated for Mothers

Maintaining proper hydration is important, not only for your overall well-being but also for its potential impact on the quality of breast milk you provide to your baby. Dehydration can compromise the nutritional content of your milk, potentially affecting your baby’s health and leaving you feeling less than optimal.

When your body lacks sufficient hydration, it may influence the composition of breast milk, diminishing its nutritional value. This emphasizes the significance of ensuring adequate fluid intake to support both your health and the well-being of your baby.

Tips To Get Enough Water While Breastfeeding 

Drinking enough water is extremely important, especially for new mothers who are often juggling a lot of responsibilities with a baby. Here are some easy things you can do to increase your water intake:

Add Flavor to Your Water

If plain water does not excite you, try spicing it up with things like cucumbers, ginger, mint, lavender, lemon, or strawberries. Combining these flavors can make drinking water a more enjoyable experience.

Go for Sparkling Water

If you are a fan of sodas, consider switching to sparkling water instead of sugary drinks. It’s a healthier choice that still gives you that fizzy, refreshing feeling.

Establish a Drinking Routine

Find specific times during the day to have water. Whether it’s right after waking up, while preparing meals, or during chores, having set times can help you remember to drink more water consistently.

Include Hydrating Foods

Some foods contain a lot of water content, which can contribute to your hydration. Foods like cucumber, melon, grapefruit, zucchini, strawberries, skim milk, and broths (just be mindful of the salt content) are great options to add to your diet.

These simple tricks can help ensure you are getting enough water even when your schedule as a new mom gets really busy. Remember, small changes can lead to big improvements in your hydration. 


Drinking enough water is extremely important, not just for breastfeeding but for your overall health. It helps your tummy feel good, keeps your blood flowing nicely, and makes sure everything in your body works well. Imagine it like giving your body a nice drink of energy.

So, whether you are taking care of your baby or handling everyday mother tasks, sipping on water is like giving yourself a little boost. Besides, to know the accurate amount of water, you can use the calculator as well. It helps you to stay hydrated while you’re breastfeeding. After all, it’s an easy way to stay healthy and feel good, supporting you in the wonderful adventure of being a mom. 

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